
i write em


i film em


i design it

Well hey there!

Looks like you've found your way to my totally real and not at all fake media company!

I'm Liz. I write books about the apocalypse and make dumb videos on the internet.

Tyrannosaurus Yes Media is the name I came up with to write in that little "imprint" box Amazon tells you to fill in when you self-publish your books through that platform. For those who are curious, an imprint is the trade name under which a publisher publishes a book. If you self-publish, you can just make up whatever you want. They let you do that!

The name Tyrannosaurus Yes is a reference to the big fat YES I gave myself when I decided to start publishing. Yes to absurdity. Yes to doing things exactly the way I wanted. Yes to jumping in face-first with absolutely no idea what I was doing! Look at that little dinosaur in the logo! Look how ecstatic she is! Wouldn't you love to be having that good of a time, ever? Yes!

Tyrannosaurus Yes is also an inside joke I have with this German Shepherd I know, who has a big ol' schnozz and likes to stick it into other people's business. Like a tyrannosaurus rex might, if a tyrannosaurus rex was a very enthusiastic German Shepherd with a big ol' schnozz.

Sooo...okay, what is this, exactly...?

NGL, right now, it's not much. But when a name as good as Tyrannosaurus Yes comes to you one night in a dream (or one mid-Saturday afternoon during an acid trip with your neighbor's German Shepherd) you write it down and save it because, you know, you're gonna have to do something with it eventually.

Ultimately, the Tyrannosaurus Yes Media brand will be associated with a world-dominating corporation that handles my indie books, audiobooks, podcasts, YouTube, a publishing platform, a syndicated sitcom, movie studio, and the company formerly known as Netflix. Maybe we'll buy Tesla too, just for the hell of it. Rename it "Y" or something really stupid, and just run it into the ground. Who knows? Sky's the limit.

For now, it's just a bunch of books I wrote and my dumb TikToks. And t-shirts: did I mention I have t-shirts?